U.S. Mass Shootings

Mass shootings continue to have a profound and lasting impact on communities throughout the United States. Each victim represents a life lost or irrevocably altered, and the repercussions extend far beyond individual families and friends. It is imperative that society collectively works towards finding comprehensive solutions to prevent such tragic events and ensure the safety and well-being of all citizens.

*Mass shootings are defined as multiple firearm events involving four or more victims in one or more locations.

2023 Mass Shootings - Updated 11/04/2023

This infographic details statistics on U.S. mass shootings for the year 2023 up to November 4, 2023. It provides data on the number of individuals killed and injured this week, along with cumulative figures for the year, including the total number of people injured and killed. Additionally, it shows the number of victims by state, highlighting Texas, Illinois, and California. The bar chart illustrates the number of individuals killed and injured each month.

Click on the image to enlarge.

U.S. Mass Shootings from 2014 to 2023

This infographic provides a statistical analysis of U.S. mass shootings over a decade, from 2014 to 2023. It features a line graph comparing the number of people killed to those injured annually alongside a bar graph showing the total number of mass shootings each year. The data includes cumulative figures for the injured and killed over this period.

Click on the image to enlarge.

State-by-State Breakdown: U.S. Mass Shootings from 2014 to 2023

The image is a composite infographic that provides a visual representation of mass shootings in the United States from 2014 to 2023, categorized by state. The top chart compares the number of people killed to those injured in states with over 150 incidents, while the bottom chart shows the total number of mass shootings by state. Illinois, California, and Texas are among the states with the highest number of incidents.

Click on the image to enlarge.

Data Resources:

  • Mass Shooting Data


  • Historical Data



  • Microsoft Power BI

  • Tableau

  • Google Sheets

  • Excel